Dear friends of the sun and the other celestial bodies!
As of today, a new era will dawn for all of us.
What has unfolded on the political, economic, and social world stage since Trump’s election victory was merely the prelude. Now, things are about to get serious — fast, massive, radical, and all-encompassing on all levels and in all dimensions.
Even those who believed they had already looked deeply into the rabbit hole will uncover further illusions about the nature of the previous 3D matrix and be able to dissolve them. It will be disillusioning and sobering, but truth precedes beauty, and ultimately, truth is clarity, and clarity is what heals.
Because almost no one seems to have noticed:
It appears that yesterday’s brief TikTok outage in the U.S. was due to a small system change, during which TikTok and Meta seem to have merged. Both the Facebook/Instagram app and TikTok now have a new little feature when you click on your profile picture.
The fact that Meta and TikTok share the same feature might be coincidental, but is highly unlikely.
If this merge turns out to be true, it would be an incredibly clever move, symbolically suggesting that the foundation for a China/Russia vs. USA/Europe war might have just been nullified.
As always, the questions remain:
Who benefits from this?
And who loses?
Another example worth mentioning is Pope Francis’s opening of the 5th Gate during the „Holy Year.“ The „Holy Year“ is declared by the Vatican every 25 years, and so far, 4 gates have always been opened. This year, for the first time, a 5th gate was also opened—the gate of a prison.
The opening of the gates is, of course, purely symbolic; the locations themselves have always been accessible. But by opening the 5th Gate, the Vatican has effectively relinquished its self-imposed role as a worldly institution and judiciary between God and man. Perhaps not voluntarily, but it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that it finally happened.
To all who are skeptical or even afraid of what is to come:
The future you fear is, in truth, the present that will hopefully soon become the past!
Things cannot get worse than the current state of our world.
C was the greatest crime against humanity.
During his campaign 8 years ago, Trump had a slogan: Power to the people!
The chance for the urgently needed turnaround has never been greater than it is now.
May we all find the guts and courage to fully embrace our self-empowerment and take responsibility so that all these horizontal power and war games can end, and we can finally implement a decentralized global community based on the principles of blockchain, cybernetics, and permaculture.
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